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Request quotes for shipments of all sizes - from 1kg up to 10 tonnes
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Get 30-day payment terms from the first shipment
Whether you want to track, update or cancel shipments or collaborate with other team members, we’ve got you covered. We build solutions that make your daily operations easier and more efficient.
Offers are for exemplary purposes only and may vary
Enter your shipment details and get quotes from multiple airlines within seconds. All quotes show all-in prices, so they are easy for you to compare. Find the right quote by filtering or sorting according to price, time of arrival, etc.
Directly book a shipment with your existing AWB stock. Capacities up to 10 tonnes, always fully guaranteed. Bookings are immediately confirmed. Payments are settled through CASS. It's business as usual for you, but better.
All of your bookings are immediately added to your tracking hub. Follow the progress of your shipments in real time. Be notified in case of deviations.
If you have any outstanding questions, we are always happy to chat with you.
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